The Come Up : ft. JOHN BRANCH IV

Whether it's because of YouTube or a Fujifilm endorsement, being named a Rangefinder 30 Rising Star in 2021, or just a wildly hungry and humble heart there's no doubt about it. John Branch IV is on the map. This sit down with John is all about the hunger he has and the perspective he has found that have shaped him as a create, first in the music industry and now as a wedding photographer. There is something so powerful about getting to know a guy like John well. His talent and his ability to articulate something in a way that is both relevant and still unique is inspiring and his ability to juggle two different voices speaking directly to his wedding clients who have hired him to hold a camera and simultaneously to the photo industry and youtube community who approach him as an educator is second to none.

So grateful for the time John put into being transparent about his story and giving so many useful tips that we can all learn from on our path's towards pursuing our dreams. John started out as he puts it "The toilet and coffee intern" learning to go "150%" at whatever opportunities he had in front of him and today finds himself with over 120,000 youtube subscribers and a global endorsement by one of the top camera companies on earth. A truly special and inspiring chat with a humbled, and humbling man.

Check out John Branch IV on his Youtube Channel and and his WEBSITE.

John is also a member at our private and totally FREE Facebook Community - The PHOTOGRAPHIC COLLECTIVE where we host daily positive and purpose filled chats about the photo industry.

As Always you can connect with Miles, check out FREE RESOURCES for photographers, and connect about mentorships or just comment on this podcast at




Driven By Progression featuring special guest Pye Jirsa