Cooper Chapel Wedding Ed + Jill

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
— 1 John 4:8 8

It’s such a cool thing when life brings something full circle. The story of Ed + Jill started for me nearly a decade ago. Ed’s just that guys that’s been in my life for a long time but never really been a part of it. Suddenly kind of out of nowhere it was like we were both just in a place where a friendship clicked. It turns out over the course of the last decade or so Ed has either become, or perhaps always been, one of the most interesting, selfless, kind guys I know. He’s so passionate about music, God, his family, cars, and every other cool thing you can imagine. He’s the type of guy that will drop you a text message before Christmas to tell you that he has a garage full of brand new toys in case I hear of any kids that may not get much from Santa this year. So where does a guy like this find a woman with a heart that’s big enough to hold onto his? Enter Jill. I’m kind of serious here - I know frequently I brag on my clients and I LOVE telling their stories but these two have a really REALLY special story. It’s a story of redemption and salvation and finding somebody who passionately pursues the same things you do. This wedding day was absolutely unbelievable for us because it was purely intimate and real. There wasn’t a reception - instead we took off the next morning for a trip to New York City with these two to shoot their couple’s images in Brooklyn. (That blog coming soon). I will say this with total sincerity, Ed is a guy who I aspire to be more like. He loves Jill with abandon. He fathers with a full heart. He works hard but doesn’t allow his work to consume him. On the other end of things Jill is a woman who just blows me away. She’s talented, she’s sweet, she’s bold, she’s strong, and she is so willing to adventure alongside Ed no matter where life takes them. I’m so grateful I had the sincere blessing of being a part of this wedding with these two.


Something Southern. Kaley + DJ


A Moody kind of Monday.