Setting better boundaries with Special Guest : Charmi Patel Pena

Charmi Patel Pena is a world renowned wedding and portrait photographer specializing in multicultural and specifically Indian weddings living in New Jersey. Her work is vivid, bold, and compositionally dynamic but alongside being a Nikon Ambassador, educator, and photographer she is also a mom and wife struggling to juggle the pressures of living in both worlds. This episode is all about the lessons she has learned after a year dealing with the Covid-19 Pandemic as a mom and business owner and how setting boundaries around her professional life is letting her be more present at home and more creative at work.

It's a huge honor to have candid conversations like this with photographer I so respect but the ultimate goal of this podcast is to educate and Charmi is an absolute class act at giving us all nuggets of wisdom she's picked up on how important it can be to not simply be an artist, but to respect your art and photography enough to put parameters around it. I think you'll enjoy the conversation and as always I'd love to hear your thoughts over on instagram @mileswittboyer or in my inbox or check in at

Follow Charmi Patel Pena at @charmipenya on instagram or at her website


Four Foundations to Future proof your Photography Business


Learning to Holdfast Featuring Special Guest CEO of Holdfast Gear Matt Swaggart