5 Ways To Better Your Business Today

Today's episode is all about action. I'm breaking down five actionable steps you can do right now that will shift your perception and empower you to beat through the barriers that stand in the way of bettering your business. Whether you're a photographer, creative entrepreneur, or just trying to better engage with the world around you these five tips have allowed me to consistently not only achieve the goals I've set for myself, but know how to set those goals high enough in the first place.

The Five Steps

1. Don't Break Rules Until You Know Them.

2. Prioritize your clients memories over your photos.

3. Learn to allocate a little bit of time in each shoot for you.

4. Don’t build your pricing reactively.

5. Keep it simple for as long as you have to.


Learning to Holdfast Featuring Special Guest CEO of Holdfast Gear Matt Swaggart


The Power of Positivity for Photographers. Special Guest Ellie McKinney